Enjoy Nature at its best!
Regina Silva – Queen of the Woods
Paithalmala is the second highest mountain in the Western Ghats. The locals know that you need a four wheel drive to climb the mountain. As you climb higher, you enter another world. The temperature drops as the mountain begins to kiss the clouds. New clouds are born here as the mist from the trees rises into the heavens. The Leopard and The Wild Elephant rules these forests but they all bow down to the Queen: REGINA SILVA.
Regina Silva is the finest nature and camping resort that has been built on the Western Ghats. Keeping in mind, that you want to be as close to forest and the wild; the Queen of the woods gives you a taste of the wild as it safely encloses you in her bosom. The Tree Houses and the cottages are built so that you become a part of the mountain. In the nights, the bonfires around which you camp bonds hearts and souls. During the day, there is a swimming pool from where you can see the lesser mountains and the plains below, as you swim; with the clouds almost wrapping you up in their misty embrace. As you step out of the pool for your lunch in the elevated restaurant; the Leopard can smell your lunch but stays away due to the electric fence. After lunch, maybe a trip through the wild to watch Wild Elephants is not a bad idea.
Regina Silva means “Queen of the woods”. She is Queen because YOU are King.